电 话:021-59745868
手 机:13816362339
传 真:021-59745866
关于我们 |
檢驗標準: 美標4分制,提供電子版百分百檢驗報告,讓您不用花費太多時間,即可隨時隨地瞭解每一卷面料的品質情況。同時提供留匹條、留缸樣、留瑕疵樣、車縫左右異色等服務。
We are Shanghai Haobo Textile Co.Ltd, specialize in textile inspection and mending, we dedicate to providing best service to our customers.
The company was established in 2003, we provide perfect service, we have professional inspectors, we have gained approvals from many customers, we wl serve you as the most professional ways in safty, saving and specialty.
Our company lies in the west of Shanghai - Qingpu which is a quite convenient transportation area, we have 6 tension free inspection tables, capacity is 1.2 million meters per month.
上 海 昊 帛 紡 織 品 有 限 公 司
地 址:上海市青浦區外青松公路3777弄55號
連絡人: 徐 賢 松 先生 Mobile: 138 1636 2339
T E L: 021-5974 5868 FAX: 021-5974 5866
公司名称: |
上海昊帛纺织品检修有限公司 |
联系人: |
徐贤松 |
电话: |
021-59745868 |
手机: |
13816362339 |
传真: |
021-59745866 |
邮箱: |
nick28_xu@126.com |
网址: |
地址: |
上海 |
邮编: |
201709 |